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Graduation Application & Commencement

Congratulations on your degree or certificate!

If you are nearing completion of your program of study, you must apply to graduate!
All students must complete an application for graduation for the quarter in which they plan to complete all program requirements.

Step 1: Complete an applicationVisit Self-Service and select “Graduation Overview” to submit a separate application for each degree or certificate that you anticipate receiving.

Step 2: Determine quarter of completion – Either current or next. Make sure to select the correct term on the application. Deadlines to submit applications are:

  • If completing program requirements by May, you will submit application for Spring, by May 1st.
  • If completing program requirements by November, you will submit application for Fall, by November 1st.
  • If completing program requirements by August, you will submit application for Summer, by August 1st.
  • If completing program requirements by February, you will submit application for Winter, by February 1st.

Important for Spring and summer graduates only: submit your application by April 1st if you want your name to appear in the Commencement Ceremony program.

Step 3: Complete all details – Select if you would like to participate in the annual Commencement Ceremony and fill in the information required for the ceremony.

Step 4: Check your entries and SUBMIT –Repeat the steps for each degree or certificate you are receiving. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to your MCC e-mail address.

Step 5: Application Review – Your graduation application will be under review until the end of the quarter you applied for. You and your advisor will be notified of any issues or missing requirements. You can access and update your information anytime (address, name, graduation term, etc.). If you have any questions, please contact your advisor or the Registrar's Office at 531-622-2353.

Degree confirmation – At MCC, degrees and certificates are awarded at the end of each quarter and denote the completion of a program of study.

Degree confirmation dates for 2024-25 academic year are:

  • Fall term: 26 November 2024
  • Winter term: 5 March 2025
  • Spring term: 2 June 2025
  • Summer term: 25 August 2025

Awards mailed – Degrees and certificates are mailed four-six weeks after the end of the quarter. Students who have an outstanding balance will receive their award(s) after the college financial obligations have been resolved.

Transcripts show posted degrees/certificates – Transcripts ordered with the option ‘hold until degrees awarded’ will be released after degrees are conferred. If you are placing the order after the degree confirmation date, select the option “current transcript, as is.”

The College’s commencement ceremony is held annually to recognize students who have graduated or are projected to graduate in the current academic year (fall, winter, spring, and summer quarters).

Participation in the ceremony is optional.

Graduates must arrive no later than 30 minutes before the ceremony to prepare to line-up.

MCC 2024-25 Commencement Ceremony
Friday May 9, 2025

Watch the ceremony LIVE
2:00 PM – doors open at 12:30 PM
7:00 PM – doors open at 5:30 PM
UNO Baxter Arena (2425 S. 67th St., Omaha, NE 68106)

Before the ceremony:

  • Submit graduation application: See “Applying to Graduate” above. There is no separate application for ceremony participation. Summer Graduates are also celebrated at the ceremony. Please select the summer term when applying for graduation. This will not affect your eligibility to attend the ceremony.
  • Purchase a cap and gown in April: Each graduating participant must arrive at the ceremony wearing a black, college-approved cap and gown. Caps and gowns will NOT be available for purchase at the venue. Visit this page after April 1st, 2025 for updated information.
  • Commencement Program: All graduates who submitted the graduation application by April 1st will have their name listed in the Commencement Program. If you applied after April 1st, your name will not be listed but you may still participate in the ceremony.

If you need to change your ceremony time:

If you need to update other information for the ceremony:

Accessibility requests for graduates: Please reach out to Disability Support Services Counselor, Lisa Fleming Haile, at or call 531-622-1416 by Monday, May 5th to inform us if you are a graduate who needs a disability-related accommodations.

Accessibility requests for guests: Guests needing accommodations, please contact Baxter Arena and read more about Baxter Arena's Accessibility Accommodations.

  • Can I watch the ceremony on live stream? 
    Yes. Check the bottom of this page the week of the ceremony for the live stream address.
  • How can I purchase the ceremony pictures?  
    A professional photographer will be there to document the ceremonies. Photos can be purchased through Ceremony Photos who will  activate photo proof availability after each ceremony. 
  • When is the next ceremony?  
    2024-25 Commencement Ceremony will be held on Friday, May 9th, 2025. We will have two ceremonies, one at 2:00 PM and one at 7:00 PM. The ceremony is for graduates of the 2024-2025 academic year for the following quarters: 2024 Fall, 2024-25 Winter, 2024-25 Spring and 2025 Summer. 
  • How do I change the time of the ceremony I will be attending?   
    Update your time directly on the graduation application page and SAVE. You can also e-mail including your name, student ID number and the time of the ceremony you wish to attend.
  • Do I need to register to walk?  
    Yes. You are registered once you have submitted the graduation application and purchased your cap and gown from the bookstore on one of the main campuses (Fort and South).  
  • How do I order my cap and gown?  
    No advanced orders are required for cap and gown. It will cost $38 for the cap, gown, and tassel. These items will be available for purchase starting April 21 through 5:00 PM on May 8th at the South Omaha Campus and Fort Omaha Campus bookstores. These items will NOT be available for purchase at the Elkhorn Valley Campus.
  • Can I buy my cap and gown at Baxter arena on the day of the ceremony?  
    Caps and gowns WILL NOT be available for pick up or purchase at the arena.  
  • Can I decorate my cap?  
    Yes, if it is tastefully done and contained to the top of the cap. 
  • What can honor society members wear?  
    Members of Alpha Delta Omega, Kappa Beta Delta, National Technical Honor Society and Phi Theta Kappa are eligible to wear the pin, sash/stole or medallion and tassel of their honor society. Contact your honor society chapter for information on ordering. See the MCC Organizations space in myHub for additional information.
  • How will I know if I graduate with Honors?  
    To graduate with honors, a student must earn a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or above (degrees and certificates of achievement only). Honor graduates will receive a gold honors medallion to wear during the ceremony. The medallions will be available for pick up at the ceremony check-in at the arena the day of the event. 
  • How do I confirm the pronunciation of my name?  
    Complete the name pronunciation field on the graduation application. If you have already submitted the application and did not provide this information, please e-mail the Registrar's Office the phonetic spelling of your name with your phone number. A reader will contact you to verify pronunciation, if needed. 
  • Will I receive my diploma at the ceremony?  
    You will receive a diploma cover when you cross the stage. Diplomas and certificates for each quarter are mailed after the end of the quarter the student is graduating from. For example, if a student has applied for graduation during the fall quarter, their diploma is mailed after fall quarter.
  • Where should my family, friends, and I park?  
    Please refer to the Baxter Arena parking map and utilize the street entrances suggested. It is highly recommended that you give yourself plenty of time to arrive and park. 
  • Do I need tickets for my guests?  
    Tickets are not needed. There is no limit to the number of guests and there is open seating. 
  • Will my family be able to take pictures?  
    Professional photographers will take pictures of the graduates as they receive their awards. Friends and family are not allowed onto the processional floor, and they can take pictures from the seats. Additional personal photos may be taken outside of the main arena floor. 
  • When do I arrive for the ceremony?   
    • If you are attending the 2:00 PM ceremony, the doors will open at 12:30 PM. Graduates must be in place by 1:30 PM to prepare to line-up.
    • If you are attending the 7:00 PM ceremony, the doors will open at 5:30 PM. Graduates must be in place by 6:30 PM to prepare to line up.
  • What do I do on the day of the ceremony?  
    1. Enter via the main entrance. You will be directed down the side hallway.
    2. Wear your gown, cap, and tassel. Wear the tassel over the right front of the cap.
    3. Once seated, graduates will remain in their seats until the end of the ceremony.
    4. When your name is called, the graduate will walk across the stage to a marked spot, stop and turn to the audience/photographer, then exit the stage.
    5. A second photograph will be taken off-stage.
    6. Graduates will then return to their seats until the end of the ceremony.
    7. After the ceremony graduates will be led directly to the exit.
  • Can I bring personal items with me to the ceremony?  
    Leave coats, purses and other personal items with your guests or family members. The graduates WILL NOT be returning to the pre-ceremony staging area.  If you require medications, please bring those items with you.

For further information about the commencement ceremony: contact the Registrar's Office or call 531-MCC-2353.

For GED graduation ceremony information: contact Adult Basic Education, 531-MCC-2312