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Metropolitan Community College Testing Services offers professional and comprehensive proctoring services to both MCC students and community members following the professional standards and guidelines set by the National College Testing Association.

MCC Testing Services offer:

  • A proctored testing environment for students or employees of other institutions.
  • Accuplacer placement assessment for English as a Second Language (ESL).
  • Testing for MCC Program Admission Exams (TEAS, HSRT-AD).
  • Testing for MCC challenge exams (for-credit exams to test out of specific classes).
  • Testing for General Education Degree (GED) exams and professional certifications through Pearson VUE.

Elkhorn Valley Campus Testing Center: 531-MCC-1278
Open Monday – Thursday: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Closed Friday
Closed Weekends
829 North 204th St., Room 158
Elkhorn, NE 68022

Fort Omaha Campus Testing Center: 531-MCC-2204
Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. - Noon
Closed Weekends
5300 North 30th St., Building #23, Room 311
Omaha, NE 68111

South Omaha Campus Testing Center: 531-MCC-4613
Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. - Noon
Closed Weekends
2909 Edward Babe Gomez Ave., Connector Building, Room 102
Omaha, NE 68107

Fremont Area Testing Center: 531-MCC-3000
Hours vary, call for details
Closed Weekends
825 North Broad St.
Fremont, NE 68025

MCC TESTING CENTER rules to ensure a professional and equitable exam session :

  • Please schedule your appointment at least 24 hours in advance to complete an assessment or exam.
    • You can schedule your appointment in person at the Testing Center, by phone, or by email. Testing seats are limited and by scheduling an appointment you ensure your testing priority. Please inform the Testing Center staff if you have an approved accommodation you will be using.
    • All students are strongly encouraged to call ahead prior to arriving at a testing center to take a test. This allows you to see if the testing center has received an assessment or exam for you and if it is ready for you to take. 
    • Students are held responsible to schedule their own testing appointments. Instructors are not authorized to schedule appointments for their students.
  • A valid government-issued photo ID  is required to be presented to Testing Center staff before an assessment or exam can be administered. A  valid ID cannot be a facsimile, photocopy, digital  picture or expired. Examples of valid identification include: non-expired state issued drivers licenses and ID cards, non-expired state issued temporary driver's licenses and ID cards as well as non expired government issued passports.
  • A current MCC Student ID card may be accepted as valid ID for specific assessments or exams, i.e. placement assessments.
  • Children of any age are not allowed in the Testing Center or to wait on the college premise while a student is sitting for an exam or assessment.
  • You may not leave the examination room for any reason without the permission of a testing center staff member. Failure to notify a testing center staff member prior to  leaving may invalidate your test upon return.
  • Food and drink items are not allowed inside the Testing Center.
  • Mobile/Cell phones are not allowed inside the Testing Center. They must be turned off or placed on silent mode and secured prior to entering the examination room.
  • Electronic devices that not authorized for your testing or are not allowed inside the examination area include, but are not limited to:  items with bluetooth technology, ear buds or ear phones , headphones, smart watches, FitBit or fitness type devices, glasses with USB or bluetooth connect ability, cameras, flash drives and unauthorized calculators.
  • The Testing Center is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
  • Items not required for testing (such as backpacks or briefcases) are not allowed inside the testing room(s) or tabletops while actively taking an exam.
  • Noise must be kept to a minimum at all times within the examination room.
  • Cheating will be handled in a manner that is in accordance with the "Student Conduct and Discipline Procedures Memorandum."
  • Testing Center staff members are not responsible for returning your homework or class assignments to the instructor.
  • Testing Center staff will inform students of testing time limits for their make-up exams and/or other assessments. Students are responsible for keeping within time limits given and all testing times are documented.
  • Testing Center staff are required to record all assessments and make-up exams before they can be administered. Tests may not be available to take for 24 hours once they arrive in the testing center. Students should not expect exams to be available immediately upon receipt from the academic faculty unless prior arrangements have been made. 

Assessment, Exam, or Service Amount of Fee
Proctor fee:
For non-MCC students utilizing an MCC Testing Center location to complete an assessment or exam for another institution (college, university, business, etc.)
$30 per test
+ prepaid postage (if needed)
ALEKS Math Assessment Express fee
Allows a student to skip the required review time of their ALEKS Prep and Learning module to unlock their retake attempt.
HSRT-AD Exam fee
Admissions exam fee for MCC students entering MCC's Respiratory Therapy, Paramedicine, and Medical Assisting.
TEAS Exam fee
Admissions exam fee for MCC students entering MCC's nursing program.
Challenge Exam fee
Contact the Prior Learning Assessment Dept. for further information.
Credit for Work Experience
Contact the Prior Learning Assessment Dept. for further information.
Placement Score Report or REPRINT Fee
Fee to process and send assessment score results used for MCC course placement to an out-of-state institution. Also, the REPRINT fee for additional copies of ANY score report.
$15 per release
  • Unless noted otherwise, students will pay for proctored testing costs at a campus Student Services Cashiers window or by contacting the Student Accounts Office at 531-622-2405 during normal business hours.
  • Testing Center Staff are not allowed to accept cash, charge cards, checks or money order payments for any type of testing.

Arranging For a Proctored Exam with An MCC Testing Center

Metropolitan Community College provides proctoring services for non-MCC students who require a secure and monitored location to complete an exam for an outside institution. MCC reserves the right to schedule these exams based on the availability of seating and the ability to accommodate students based on the requesting institutions' testing requirements. 

If the exam has complex instructions, course instructors should consult with a Testing Center staff member prior to the testing date to ensure that correct instructions have been documented and can be given to the student at the time of testing. Testing Center staff members are not to be held responsible for correcting, duplicating or interpreting exams. Only materials and instructions annotated on the MCC Instructor Transmittal Form for External Proctoring will be allowed. 
Students will be informed of the given time limit(s) for the exam and the Start and Stop times will be documented. However, it is not always possible to monitor a student's exam time, and that responsibility is left up to the student. 

There is a $30 proctoring examination fee for each proctored exam. This fee must be paid in advance of taking the exam. Fees may be paid at either the Student Services Cashier Cage (cash, credit card or check) or by contacting the Student Accounts office at 531-622-2405 (credit card only). Students must obtain and present a receipt number to the Testing Center as proof of payment before testing can be initiated. 

  • EXCEPTION to $30 exam fee: If a student is completing an exam for a Nebraska EDUCATIONAL institution, we do not charge the $30. 
  • EXAMPLES: Nebraska high schools, other Nebraska community colleges, UNO, UNL, Creighton University, Bellevue University.

If paper copies of the exam and materials and/or the results from other types of testing must be returned to an outside organization through the US Postal Service. Then all postage, packaging and handling must be prepaid and provided by the outside educational institution or the student themselves prior to the start of any testing as well. 

If Disability Support Services (DSS) Accommodations are needed for a student to take an exam, it is the student and/or the student's home college/university DSS responsibility to provide this information in advance to the testing center prior to the examination or assessment date. Students and/or the student's college or university DSS is also responsible for making any special arrangements to have a writer, reader, transcriber, or translator scheduled to meet with the student in advance as well to meet the student's accommodations requirements. 

Procedure to schedule a proctored exam: 
Students are expected to contact the Testing Center at least 1 week prior to their exam date to schedule their proctored test. Keep in mind that MCC is closed on major holidays. Schedule your appointment as soon as possible to ensure you can complete your exam before any deadlines. 
Instructors are not permitted to schedule test dates for their students. 

The student submits the MCC Instructor Transmittal Form for External Proctoring to their instructor to submit to the MCC Testing Center they scheduled their proctored exam. The MCC Instructor Transmittal Form for External Proctoring is required to accompany each exam submitted, whether submitted online or in hard copy. Exams and transmittal forms must be received jointly and at least 48 hours (about 2 days, be aware we are not available Fridays after 12:00pm or weekends) prior to the student's appointment to test. 

MCC Instructor Transmittal form for External Proctoring Request Form 
Must be submitted to Metropolitan Community College by the Instructor, Faculty, Professor, or representive of the Institution (University, College, etc.) of the student requesting an approved proctor. The student may provide the form to their Instructor, Faculty member, or Professor but the student cannot submit the completed form to Metropolitan Community College. 


All students must have a valid original (not a picture or photocopy) government-issued photo ID to take any exam. Students will not be allowed to test if they do not have the correct identification available 

For additional information and to schedule a proctored exam for an outside institution, contact an MCC Testing Center.

All persons are required to provide a valid photo ID before any type of assessment or exam can be administered. Valid photo ID types include:

  • A current (non-expired) government issued photo ID such as a current driver’s license, state ID card, military ID, or passport.
  • Lockers are available for personal items at all locations.

Assessments and Exams for Course Placement EVC FOC FRC SRP SOC
ALEKS Math Assessment
Math assessment for students completing a degree/certificate program. Assesses a students knowledge of math subjects to determine if a student is ready for college level (for credit) math course work.
Available Available Available Not Available Available
Writing Sample Essay Assessment
English assessment for students completing a degree/certificate program. Assesses a students knowledge of English grammar and composition by writing a sample essay to determine if a student is ready for college level (for credit) English course work.
Available Available Available Not Available Available
Next-Generation ACCUPLACER (English and Math) Assessment
*Prospective students currently enrolled in high school or home schooled complete the Accuplacer Math section for math course placement. The ALEKS math assessment may be appropriate if the student is a high school senior or needing to enroll in a credit course, speak with an Academic Advisor if you have questions.

*Accuplacer Math assessment is administered to students who are non degree seeking, or attending MCC to complete a few courses, or "just want to see where they are at".
Available Available Available Not Available Available
Next-Generation ACCUPLACER COMPANION (English and Math) Assessment
For students requiring accommodations, must have Advisor recommendation
Available Available Not Available Not Available Available
Next-Generation ACCUPLACER ESL (English as a Second Language) Assessment Available Available Available Not Available Available
Foreign Language Assessment (French, German, Spanish) Students attempting to bypass FRENCH 1010, GERMAN 1010, or SPANISH 1010 to a higher course level.
Does not confer credit for the bypassed course(s). May not transfer to another institution.
Available Available Not Available Not Available Available
MCC Biology Assessment
Students attempting to bypass BIOS 1010. Does not confer credit for the bypassed course. May not transfer to another institution.
Available Available Not Available Not Available Available
Admission Exams for Health Careers EVC FOC FRC SRP SOC
Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS Version 7) Exam
For MCC student applicants applying to MCC's nursing program. MCC does not proctor the TEAS exam for students of other instituitions.
Available Available Not Available Not Available Available
The Health Sciences Reasoning Test – Associate Degree Level (HSRT-AD)
For MCC student applicants applying to MCC's Health Career programs. MCC does not proctor the HSRT-AD test for students of other instituitons.
Available Available Not Available Not Available Available
Challenge Exams EVC FOC FRC SRP SOC
MCC Challenge Exams are available for students to demonstrate course proficiency and earn credit for the course. Eligibility to test must be confirmed by PLA Center Staff, Counselor, Success Navigator, or Advisor. The Challenge Exam Application Form is required.
Courses Available
  • CNST 1005 - Introduction to the Construction Industry
  • CNST 1020 - Blueprint Reading
  • INFO 1003 - Problem Solving and Programming Logic
  • MATH 1240 - Technical Mathematics
  • MATH 1242 - Applied Math for the Hospitality Industry
  • HLSM 1010 - Introduction to Horticulture (only availabe at the Fort Omaha Testing Center)
For more information, visit or email
To complete a Challenge exam student's must contact the PLA department first and then schedule to take the Challenge Exam with a MCC Testing Center.
Available Available Not Available Not Available Available
General Education Development (GED) Exam
For information about MCC's GED program or to register for GED classes contact MCC's Adult Education - GED department by calling 531-622-4060 or by email at For information on local requirements to complete your GED or to schedule a GED exam, visit
Available Available Available Available Available
Pearson VUE Professional Certification Exams EVC FOC FRC SRP SOC
Visit to register, schedule, and pay for certification exams offered by various Exam Sponsors through Pearson VUE's testing platform.
Popular exam sponsors include CompTIA, Microsoft, Amazon Web Services, Pharmacy Technician Certification, Nebraska Dept. of Agriculture, CISCO, and TSA. Please see Pearson Vue's website for additional Exam Sponsors and available certifications.
Available Available Not Available Not Available Not Available