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Entrepreneurs serve a very important role in the U.S. economy. Business start-ups develop, organize and manage new ventures where the purpose is to make a profit in compensation for the assumed risk. Some entrepreneurship opportunities involve entirely new products and services whereas others focus on packaging and marketing existing goods and services in a new or unique way. Typically starting out as small businesses, these organizations contribute to the overall number of jobs and vibrancy of the economy.

Millions of workers in the U.S. are self-employed accounting for approximately 10 percent of the overall workforce. These workers may enjoy the independence and flexibility that comes with ownership but can also be challenged by income irregularity and other factors associated with self-employment. Entrepreneurs provide goods and services in various areas including:

Degrees & Certificates offered

Certificate of Achievement:

Career Certificate:


Academic Pathway

Students may use these certificates as a pathway to further their Business education in completion of the following Certificates and Degrees:

Learning Goals

  • Understanding the core concepts of entrepreneurship.
  • Critically evaluate the feasibility of starting and owning a business.
  • Identify marketing tools and techniques essential to business start-ups and ownership.
  • Evaluate the legal environment specific to business start-ups and ownership.
  • Utilize financial tools and techniques essential to business start-ups and ownership.
  • Create a customized business plan detailing relevant aspects starting and owning a business.

More Information

Academic Focus Area  (AFA) Business Navigators and Advisors

Additional Information

Minority Entrepreneurs

The number of businesses in our minority communities continues to grow, adding to our competitive advantage. Over the last 10 years, minority business enterprises accounted for more than 50 percent of the two million new businesses started in the United States and created 4.7 million jobs. There are now more than four million minority-owned companies in the United States, with annual sales totaling close to $700 billion (source: U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business & Entrepreneurship).