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George E. Martin, III, ex offico legal counsel, has a B.A. of Arts, History from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and a Juris Doctorate with distinction from the University of Nebraska College of Law. Currently, he is an attorney for Baird Holm LLP, where his practice includes employment and workers’ compensation litigation, governmental litigation and relations, general civil litigation, and human resources training and counseling.
Martin’s volunteer experience includes Mock Interview program (Papillion/La Vista School District), Mock Trial program (Nebraska State Bar Foundation), MCC Foundation board member (2005-11), pro bono legal work, Sigma Nu Housing Corporation of Nebraska (current) and a member of the Nebraska Diplomats (current).
Martin is interested in serving on the board because he is enthusiastic about MCC and wants to assist with the impending capitol campaign, along with other Board initiatives. He believes MCC is one of Omaha’s greatest assets and is interested in any issues related to the College.