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MCC Code School is a part-time program providing access to industry-leading noncredit web development education and training. Upon successful completion of a three-, six-, nine-, or 11-month noncredit training program, students will earn digital badges certifying their employable skills to enter the workforce as junior Front-End, Back-End, or Full-Stack web developers. The program curriculum was developed with industry experts and Omaha area employers. 

Code School provides entry points to the field of web development for individuals with no prior coding experience, career changers, and industry professionals interested in upskilling or reskilling to attain high-demand, high-paying careers in technology.  

While no prior web development experience is necessary for entry to the program, applicants must have computer literacy and an understanding of operating procedures and software like file storage, email, Microsoft programs and more. Applicants with some experience may demonstrate their skills via a pre-assessment to qualify for accelerated entry into the program.  

WordPress Development:

  • Over 10-weeks, participants complete a 6-week workshop series that culminates with a 4-week capstone project. Class work will be submitted via Canvas LMS and class will be presented in a live virtual format via Zoom. Topics include: Introduction to WordPress, Customizing Themes and Child Themes, Using Gutenberg Blocks, Plugins, SEO, Performance Optimization, Security, Maintenance, Backups, and Hosting. Participants that successfully complete all 6 workshops and the capstone project will earn a micro credential in WordPress Web Development.

Introduction to Web Development:

  • Over 12 weeks, participants will learn the basics of web development including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Figma, VS Code, Chrome developer tools, and Github. Best practices for project planning/management, responsive design and web accessibility are integrated within assignments throughout the course. Participants may also choose to complete a Google UX Design certificate through a partnership with Coursera.

Front-End Web Development:

  • Participants will spend 6 months learning learn the basics of front-end development including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript before focusing on React, Next.js, and Typescript. The course covers unit testing, API’s, cloud deployment and the use of tools such as Figma, VS Code, Chrome developer tools, and Github. Best practices for project planning/management, responsive design and web accessibility are integrated within assignments throughout the course. Participants may also choose to complete a Google UX Design certificate through a partnership with Coursera.

Back-End Web Development:

  • Over 6 months, participants will learn the basics of web development (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Figma, VS Code, Chrome developer tools, Github) before learning the basics of back-end web development with a focus on Java, SQL, Java DBC, Spring Boot, and deployment with AWS. Best practices for project planning/management, responsive design and web accessibility are integrated within assignments throughout the course. Participants may also choose to complete a Google UX Design certificate through a partnership with Coursera.

Full-Stack Web Development:

  • In this 11-month program, participants will learn the foundations of web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), Front-End Web Development (React, Next.js, Typescript), and Back-End Web Development (Java, SQL, Java DBC, Spring Boot). During the final 2 months of the course, participants follow Agile methodologies while coding across the stack in teams as they design, develop and deploy a full-stack application. The use of Github Copilot will be integrated in select course assignments.

  • Introduction to Web Development: $4,000
  • Front-End Web Development: $9,000
  • Back-End Web Development: $9,000
  • Full-Stack Web Development: $18,000

At this time, there are no scholarship or financial aid options available for MCC's non-credit Code School program. All applicants will need to be sponsored by an employer or be prepared to self-pay tuition.

Beginning June 2025, Code School courses will be priced as follows:

  • WordPress Workshop Bundle: $515
  • Introduction to Web Development: $3,000
  • Front-End Web Development: $6,500
  • Back-End Web Development: $6,500
  • Full-Stack Web Development: $13,000

The next Code School Cohort for Front-End, Back-End, and Full-Stack Development will begin in Fall of 2025. Please email MCC Code School for more information.

Registration for the Summer 2025 WordPress Development workshop series opens on March 26, 2025.

How to Apply

Applying to Code School is a 3-step process that requires each applicant to:

  1. Complete and submit an MCC School Application and a resume
  2. Complete and submit results from the Smarter Measure Assessment
  3. Attend a 30-minute interview with a Code School Instructor

To apply, please email to request an application.

Program Schedule

Please note the Winter 2025 cohort now begins on February 4th, 2025.

Pathway Program Schedule Class Meetings Dates/Times
WordPress Development June 11, 2025 – August 30, 2025
  • Wednesday, 6pm-9pm
Introduction to Web Development Fall 2025
  • Tuesday, 6:30pm-8:30pm
  • Thursday, 6:30pm-8:30pm
  • Every other Saturday from 9am-11am
Front-End Web Development Fall 2025
  • Tuesday, 6:30pm-9:30pm
  • Thursday, 6:30pm-9:30pm
  • Every other Saturday from 9am-12pm
Back-End Web Development Fall 2025
  • Tuesday, 6:30pm-9:30pm
  • Thursday, 6:30pm-9:30pm
  • Every other Saturday from 9am-12pm
Full-Stack Web Development Fall 2025
  • Tuesday, 6:30pm-9:30pm
  • Thursday, 6:30pm-9:30pm

Specific dates are not yet available for this program

Code School offers customized, employer-paid cohorts for business that want to offer web development training to groups of 4 or more. These fast-paced programs immerse students in a rigorous curriculum and course structure based on needs identified by area employers to help advance participants in their careers. For more information on corporate cohorts or other customized training options, email