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Information Technology

Information Technology is here to serve the needs of our MCC students, faculty, and staff, reaching out to our community with 21st century cutting-edge technology. 

The IT Support Services is the core provider for information technology support to faculty, staff, and students at Metropolitan Community College. We offer an easily-accessible point of contact for all clients and make every effort to resolve all technology-related issues in an efficient and effective manner, while remaining consistent with the goals and objectives of IT Services and the College. 


  • Monday - Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 6:50 p.m.
  • Friday 7:00 a.m. to 6:20 p.m.
  • Saturday and Sunday - Closed

Important: Hours vary during holidays and quarter breaks

Campus Locations:

  • Elkhorn Valley Campus, Room 346D
  • Fort Omaha Campus, Building 23, Room 226
  • Sarpy Center, Room 107
  • South Omaha Campus, Mahoney Building, Room 215

Students and staff can access computers and multiple online services at the College using a single username and password.

Password Reset Instructions

Password Policy Changes are now in effect as of 7/1/2024.
Students, please log in to MyHub for more information.
Faculty and Staff will find details on Unity.

Please review the following documents for further understanding. If you have more questions, please call lT Support Services at 531-622-2900.

OPTION 1 - I know my username

  • Use this option to change/reset your password or unlock your account.
  • Click on the Need help signing in? link below the Sign In button, then click on the link for Forgot password or Unlock account.
Example Screen
Screen showing Sign In button with Need Help Signing In link directly below

If you do not know your username, you must start with Option 2.

OPTION 2 - I don't know my username or password

If these options do not work, please call IT Support Services at 531-622-2900 for assistance.

Eduroam is the Metropolitan Community College wireless network for students, faculty, and staff to connect laptops and other devices. Eduroam is a secure wireless network, only devices that support 802.1x authentication are able to connect.

What is eduroam?

Eduroam (education roaming) is the secure, world-wide roaming access service developed for the international research and education community.


  • Affiliates
  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Students

Before You Begin

Before attempting to connect to the eduroam Wi-Fi network, make sure you have your campus account username (e.g., or and MCC password ready.

Don't know your MCC Account Username?

Visit to lookup up your username.


Assisted Setup

Assisted device setup is available using the Wireless Network Configuration Utility.

Please click eduroam button and then run the installer.
eduroam button image

Manual Setup


For the most efficient support experience, please submit a ticket using the “Create Support Request” from the IT Support Portal. Alternatively, contact your campus IT Support Services location via email, by phone, or in person.

  • 531-622-2900

For more information about eduroam, visit

Manual Setup - eduroam for Android 

Manual eduroam Setup for Android or Chromebook Devices

On your device, navigate to the area where you can view all Wi-Fi networks that are in range and select eduroam from the list of available networks.

Use the following settings to configure your device. Not all settings may be required to connect your device to eduroam.

  • Identity: Your Campus Identity. Example: ( or
  • Password: Your standard Campus login password (same as Canvas, OneDrive, etc.)
  • CA Certificate: Don’t validate
  • Security: 802.1x EAP or WPA/WPA2-Enterprise
  • EAP Method: PEAP
  • Phase-2 Authentication: MSCHAPV2
  • IP Settings: DHCP
  • Proxy Settings: none
  • Online Certificate Status: Request Certificate Status
  • Domain:

Manual Setup - eduroam for iOS 

  • On iOS and iPadOS, navigate to the Settings app and tap Wi-Fi to view all Wi-Fi networks that are in range and select eduroam from the list of available networks.
  • Your device will now prompt you to log in to the network. Use your Campus Identity to authenticate. Your username must include the campus domain. Example: ( or
Eduroam Setup for iOS - Step 1
  • Accept the eduroam certificate by tapping Trust and authenticate with your device passcode, if prompted.
Eduroam Setup for iOS - Step 2

Manual eduroam Setup for macOS 


  • On your Mac, navigate to the Wi-Fi icon in the top right of your desktop to view all Wi-Fi networks that are in range and select eduroam from the list of available networks.
  • Your Mac will now prompt you to log in to the network. Use your Campus Identity to authenticate. Your username must include the campus domain. Example: ( or
Eduroam Setup for macOS - Step 1
  • Accept the eduroam certificate by clicking Continue and authenticate using your local macOS credentials, if prompted.
Eduroam Setup for macOS - Step 2

Manual eduroam Setup for Windows 

  • On Windows, navigate to the bottom right of your desktop to view all Wi-Fi networks that are in range, and select eduroam from the list of available networks.
  • Windows will now prompt you to log in to the network. Use your Campus Identity to authenticate. Your username must include the campus domain. Example: ( or
Eduroam Set for Windows
  • Accept the eduroam certificate and authenticate if prompted.

MCC uses Instructure as our CANVAS browser support. It is updated often so the information is always current.

Jessica Davis - IT Specialist I
Debi Elgan - IT Specialist I
Nancy Niebur - IT Specialist I
Robin Perkins - IT Specialist I
Gene Smick - IT Specialist I
Wyatt Moore - IT Specialist I

Student Printing

Why does printing cost money?
Thousands of pages of abandoned prints are left in printers and recycle bins annually. MCC is committed to environmental sustainability.
What are alternatives to paying for printing?
You can save documents, library database search results, course notes, etc. to your OneDrive, USB disk drive or email them to yourself. You can then print them on your own printer, if you need to do so. The other alternative is to write citation lists and transcribe course notes.
  • Black and white, single-sided = $0.07 per page
  • Color, single-sided = $0.40 per page
  • Black and white, duplexed = $0.13 per page
  • Color, duplexed = $0.60 per page
This does not include specialized areas where large-format printing exists, such as Visual Arts where printing costs vary and are based on size and resolution.
Do students continue to receive free print credit each quarter?
Registered students will receive 14 cents at the beginning of each quarter intended to allow printing of 2 class schedules.
When will I receive the free print credit?
Students registered for a quarter will receive the 14 cents print credit approximately one week before the date of their first class. Students who register late for classes will receive their credit within 1-2 days of registration. Only registered students receive the print credit. If you have not received your print credit by the date of your first class, contact IT Support Services at 531-622-2900.
Is there a discount for duplex (double-sided) printing?
Duplex printing in black and white costs 13 cents per page. Duplex printing in color costs 60 cents per page.
Can I get a refund for a print job that did not print?
Print jobs that do not print are normally not charged to your account. You can log onto your personalized PaperCut web page to check the status of your account.
How can I add money to my print account using cash?
You can add money to your print account by using one of the PaperCut PayStations located in:
  • FOC Building 10 in the Digital Express
  • FOC Building 23 in the hallway by Room 103
  • SOC CON Copy Center Room 159
  • SOC MHY commons
  • SRP hallway west side of Student Services
  • FRC hallway outside 102
  • ATC hallway
Is there another way to add money to my print account?
You can add money to your print account using a credit card or PayPal account. From any computer in the world, you can log into your personalized PaperCut web page, click on the Add Credit link on the left-hand side of the webpage and follow the prompts.
Can I get a refund for the money that I have added to my print account but have not used?
The money that you added using either cash, credit card, or PayPal remains in your print account until you use all of it; there is no refund. Your print account remains active as long as you have an MCC user account.

General Information

What is MFA?

Authentication, both online and in the physical world, normally consists of at least one of the following "factors":

  • Knowledge: something you know (e.g., a password or code)
  • Possession: something you have (e.g., a physical key or a card)
  • Inherence: something you are (e.g., the person with a particular set of fingerprints or facial features)

Traditional online authentication only requires a single factor, usually a username and password combination that the user knows. MFA combines that factor with at least one other, such as a physical hardware token ("something you have"). MFA is sometimes also referred to as two-factor authentication, but it is not necessarily limited to just two.

Why are we requiring MFA?

Authentication systems that are based on usernames and passwords are increasingly proving to be inadequate for protection of online resources and the data that they process or store. Passwords for campus systems are subject to a wide variety of attacks, ranging from simple repeated automated guessing to theft via sophisticated impersonation schemes such as those used in phishing scams.

MFA using Okta Security is convenient and greatly reduces the likelihood of successful unauthorized access to a protected account, even if an account's password is already known to an attacker. For Office365 access including Email, Sharepoint, and OneDrive, users are prompted to login by entering an approval code via SMS or approval of the Okta Verify App about as often as you are currently prompted to enter your password alone: i.e., whenever accessing the service from a new device, web browser, or software application.

Setting Up Multifactor Authentication Information

There are four options to choose from in configuring Multifactor Authentication Information. We highly recommend setting up SMS authentication to start and strongly suggest setting up a second such as "Voice Call Authentication" or "Okta Verify".

To begin, sign in to with your student account. Then, click the dropdown arrow in the upper right corner next to your name:

Okta Homepage displaying My Apps. The account login is at the top right corner of the page to the right of the search bar

On the popup menu click settings:

Once the account name popup is activated, you will see three links in a list. Settings is the first link in this list.

Under the Extra Verification section, click the "Set up" button next to the MFA verification factor you would like to enable. Follow the on screen prompts.

Extra Verification section describing set up. This dialog shows a blacked out phone number and explains that Okta can call you to verify.

After completing this setup process, you will be prompted to use this factor verification step (SMS) when signing into your MCC account. We highly recommend setting up SMS authentication to start and strongly suggest setting up a second such as "Voice Call Authentication" or "Okta Verify".

If you have any questions or need assistance in enrolling in multi-factor authentication, please contact IT Support Services by emailing or by calling 531-622-2900.

Contact Us

IT Support Portal (self-help, get help)

Phone: 531-622-2900

Fax: 402-403-0645
