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Students who are not making satisfactory academic progress at MCC may be placed on academic suspension or dismissal. After sitting out their required quarters, students are able to apply for readmission and will be placed on academic observation while they work on improving their overall MCC grade point average.

Here is a link to the standards of academic progress from the MCC catalog for reference: Academic Policies and Procedures - Metropolitan Community College - Modern Campus Catalog™

Students will work with an advocacy or disability support services (DSS) counselor to create a plan to connect with resources and determine next steps.

  1. Student will submit readmission request form to begin the readmission process: Readmission Request
  2. Students will be contacted by a counselor at preferred campus location to schedule a readmission appointment prior to registration.
  3. During the readmission appointment, students and counselors will review academic plans/goals, discuss available MCC and community resources, and, if ready, register for classes. Students will be placed on academic observation upon readmission.
  4. If a student had unexpected circumstances that contributed to poor grades, students are allowed to appeal their academic suspension or dismissal by following the below instructions:
    • A student may appeal academic suspension or dismissal. The appeal must be in written form and forwarded to the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs. Submission of an appeal does not guarantee or suggest automatic reinstatement. A decision will be made and communicated to the student within 24-48 hours.
    • Students may be asked to provide documentation of circumstances when possible.

  • Students who are on academic suspension or dismissal are also often on financial aid denied status. Students have the right to submit a financial aid appeal to request their aid be reinstated. The financial aid office can answer questions about this process: During the readmission appointment, a counselor can also answer general questions about the appeal process.
  • If a student’s financial aid appeal is denied, or if they aren’t eligible for financial aid for another reason, they’ll need to plan to pay out of pocket for tuition, fees, and books.
  • If a student has a business office hold due to a prior balance, they will need to pay that balance prior to registration. For questions about a past due balance, please call the Student Accounts Office at 531-622-2405.

  • When students return after suspension or dismissal they are placed on academic observation. Students will have a registration hold until they return to academic good standing. While on academic observation status the student is expected to work with an advocacy or DSS counselor, along with their assigned advisor for subsequent enrollment until they have returned to good standing. The counselor is authorized to impose reasonable restrictions on students’ enrollment while on academic observation.
  • If students earn less than a 2.00 GPA for credits completed while in academic observation status, they are placed on academic dismissal. Students meeting the cumulative GPA requirement for good standing are not suspended or dismissed under this policy.