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Explore Programs

Tuition and facility fee for MCC credit courses will be offered to current High School students at no cost. All other course fees, equipment and textbooks are the student's responsibility or as designated.

Current 9 – 12th grade Nebraska high school students, including homeschool, pending any program specific requirements.

  • Students in 9th grade become eligible for the tuition waiver in MCC's Fall quarter.
  • Senior students graduating High School in May remain eligible for the tuition waiver during the Summer Quarter following graduation.

Secondary Partnerships webpages are updated with relevant information related to the tuition waiver. Each program page provides eligibility, application and registration details.

Income Eligibility Requirements
There are no income requirements or income paperwork required to receive this offer.


Q: Are ALL Nebraska HS students eligible?
A. Yes, pending any program specific requirements.

  • CollegeNow & KSOI: Yes
  • Career Academy: Application and acceptance required
  • Gateway to College: Application and approval by school district.
  • Concurrent Enrollment: limited to offerings available at individual High School.

Q. Is the full tuition and $5 per credit hour facility fee waived?
A. Yes.

Q. Can a student take unlimited courses?
A. Students should only enroll in the number of courses that they can successfully complete. Career Academy and Gateway to College courses are predetermined by program.

Q. If a student wants to repeat a course that they previously attempted but received a D or F, are they still eligible to retake at no cost?
A. Yes

Q. If a student fails a course are they responsible for paying back the cost of tuition and facility fee?
A. No

Q. If a student drops a course after Census Date, are they responsible for paying back the cost of tuition and fees?
A. No

Q. Can students register for classes without speaking to an MCC representative or Counselor?
A: CollegeNow!: Yes, through the Contact Center if they are a new student, through Self-Service if a returning student, or through a Dual Enrollment Navigator.
A: KSOI, Concurrent Enrollment, Gateway to College and Career Academy require the student to follow the registration processes detailed on the program webpages.

Q. When will charges be removed from student’s accounts?
A. Charges will stay on Nebraska high school students accounts until shortly after registration.

Q. How does a student order textbooks?
A. Students enrolled in KSOI, Career Academy or CollegeNow! can order textbooks through the bookstore. Gateway to College and Concurrent Enrollment textbooks are supplied through the program or district.

Q. My student needs tools and materials for Career Academy courses. Will this be covered?
A. No. Course associated supplies/tools are the responsibility of the student.