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The real estate industry primarily involves the buying, selling and leasing of land and property. Residential real estate focuses on purchasing and selling single or multifamily structures including houses, mobile homes, duplexes, condominiums, etc. Commercial real estate refers to transactions made for investment or income purposes and includes land and properties such as office buildings, restaurants, retain sites, apartment buildings and other structures.

Real estate sales professionals represent property owners when they sell their homes or land. They determine a property's market price by comparing the property with similar properties that have been recently sold. Real estate professionals may make suggestions to property owners about improvements they can make to increase the value of their property.

Property managers take care of the daily operation. Some property managers are entrepreneurs who manage the properties they own. Other property managers oversee the daily function and operations of office buildings, apartments, retail and industrial properties or condos.

Real estate brokers are typically experienced real estate sales professionals who become licensed as brokers so they can manage their own properties. Typically, these are seasoned professionals who have passed both the exam requirements for a sales professional and completed additional credentialing requirements to become a licensed broker.

The Nebraska Real Estate Commission oversees licensing, education, disciplinary and all other related industry matters in the state of Nebraska. For current information about becoming a licensed real estate salesperson, including information about sitting for the real estate licensing exam, contact: Nebraska Real Estate Commission, 301 Centennial Mall South, P.O. Box 94667, Lincoln, NE 68509, 402-471-2004.
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Degrees & Certificates Offered

Career Certificate:


Academic Pathway

Students may use the Real Estate Specialist Career Certificate as a pathway to further their Business education in completion of the following Certificates and Degrees:

Learning Goals

  • Understand basic terms in real estate and describe forms of real estate ownership available to individuals and business entities.
  • Explore the legal system and nature of real property by defining, describing, and illustrating the terminology and characteristics inherent and unique to the field of real estate such as analyzing the various interests, rights, and relationships that exit by virtue of constitutional law, statutes, and common law relative to real estate transactions.
  • Evaluate the nature and cycle of real estate finance and the mortgage market by identifying the differences of various instruments available.
  • Assess the nature of real estate investments including the purpose, ownership interests, and feasibility.
  • Analyze the role and purpose of professional property management in terms of planning, marketing and contract negotiations.
  • Define personal time management techniques as well as the goals and objectives of a property manager.

More Information

Academic Focus Area (AFA) Business Navigators and Advisors

Professional Credentials

MCC courses and programs provide educational opportunities to students preparing for various professional credentials awarded by external organizations and entities. Completion of said courses/programs does not guarantee success on exams, tests, or other requirements associated with externally awarded professional credentials. Students who complete MCC courses and/or programs in preparation for said exams, tests, or other requirements associated with externally awarded professional credentials may still want/need to engage in self-study, exam preparation programs, etc., prior to seeking credentialing.