Requesting Library Materials
You may request that an item from an MCC or Omaha Public Library (OPL) be sent to specific MCC campus locations.
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You may request that an item from an MCC or Omaha Public Library (OPL) be sent to specific MCC campus locations.
NOTE: Deliveries through this option are only made to: Elkhorn Valley Campus, Fort Omaha Campus, South Omaha Campus. Do not use it if you wish to have items sent to the ATC, Fremont or Sarpy Centers.
Allow two working days for your material to arrive from a MCC location and one week from OPL. If the item you requested is already checked out, you will be placed on a waiting list.
Interlibrary Loan is a free service allowing MCC students and employees to request books, articles and DVDs not available at MCC Library locations. Interlibrary Loan offers access to hundreds of academic and public library collections throughout the United States and can be accessed using the Clio and Worldcat databases.
Use Clio to submit book/DVD/article requests and view the status of your requests
WorldCat can also be used to search for books/DVDs and submit interlibrary loan requests.
NOTE: In order to track the status of interlibrary loan requests made in WorldCat, you must first create a WorldCat account.
Most library materials may be borrowed. All libraries have certain types of materials they will not loan and we may not be able to obtain those materials for you. Examples include reference books, entire issues of magazines or newspapers and audiovisual or multimedia items (DVDs, computer disks, etc.). You may request one copy of the same textbook only once per quarter. Renewals are not allowed.
Library staff will find a library owning your requested items and will request a loan or photocopy on your behalf. You will be contacted when the item is available for pick up at a MCC campus library. Some photocopies may be emailed to you or made available on a website for you to retrieve.
On average, most materials will arrive within two weeks from the date of your request. The length of time depends on many factors, including the geographic location of the lending library.
Interlibrary Loan is a free service. Any photocopy, processing or postage fees will be paid by MCC.
Photocopies are yours to keep. Loan periods for other items are set by the lending library and average around four weeks. Some lending libraries allow renewals. You may be charged $1.00 a day for each item kept beyond the due date.
You will be charged $100 for each item you do not return. A hold will be placed on your student account with the MCC Business Office. You may also be charged an additional fee by the lending library.
Textbooks cannot be renewed. Other items may be renewed depending on the lending library. Request a renewal through your Clio account, email Scott Mahoney before the item’s due date or call 531-622-1324.
NOTE: Do not renew interlibrary loan items yourself through your WebPAC or Omaha Public Library account. You must contact library staff.
You may recommend items for purchase by MCC libraries by completing a Library Purchase Request Form. NOTE: Items needed on an immediate basis should be requested via Interlibrary Loan.