You are a Visiting Student at MCC if you want to register for one or more classes but are not planning on earning a degree. Visiting Students may attend another school or seek professional development.

01 Apply and Confirm Your Attendance
Applying is always free. Once you create an account and complete an application, you will receive an email asking to confirm your attendance.

02 Browse our Catalog
You may know exactly what classes you’re looking for already. Review the class schedule to identify those classes you want to register for - having the course number ready makes registering even quicker. If you’re not sure which classes you want to take, contact your advisor at your current school to ensure credits will transfer.

03 Verify Your Prerequisites
If your MCC course requires a prerequisite you've already met, complete the Prerequisite Verification Form and follow its instructions. If your course has no prerequisites, call us to complete registration at 531-622-2400.
Additional Support
Have more questions? Feel free to contact us.
E-mail our Recruitment Team
Chat with an Application Specialist