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Leading Together at MCC

The faculty, staff, and administration of Metropolitan Community College proudly serve the four-county area of Dodge, Douglas, Sarpy and Washington Counties in eastern Nebraska by providing open-access, relevant, student-centered education to a diverse community of learners.

The College is governed by an elected Board of Governors and led by President Randy Schmailzl, who has worked at MCC since 1989.

The Board and the President are supported in daily and strategic decision-making by several college groups highlighted below.

Office of the President

Fort Omaha Campus, Building 30
The College president serves as chief executive officer of the College. The President's Office reports to the MCC Board of Governors.

Randy Schmailzl

Schmailzl started his career as a high school teacher, administrator and coach in 1976. He moved on to the field of higher education as a faculty member, administrator and coach, before joining MCC in April 1989 as the director of Enrollment Management, Records and Placement. He became the dean of Student Services in 1995. In March 1998, he became provost and was named executive vice president in July 2001. On Aug. 25, 2009, he was appointed president of the College. Schmailzl earned a bachelor's degree from Nebraska Wesleyan University, and his master's degree in Counseling, Administration and Higher Education from South Dakota University.
Executive assistant: Cari Henry, or 531-622-2203

Patricia Crisler

Having served the College in a variety of capacities since 1998, including K-12 partnerships, community education, workforce training, research, grants and fundraising development, Crisler currently provides strategic and operational support to the College president. She supports the president's work across all areas of the College and with the elected Board of Governors, and provides administrative leadership to the office of Marketing & College Enrollment, the 180 Re-entry Assistance Program, Veterans and Military Resource Center, Pathway Support Systems, Planning & Institutional Effectiveness, and the Path Forward Initiative. Crisler holds a master's degree in Higher Education Administration and a doctorate in Educational Studies from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Thibodeau came to MCC in April of 2007, as the director of Labor Relations and General Counsel after seven years with the office of the Douglas County Attorney in Omaha. He was appointed to the position of associate vice president for Compliance and General Counsel in October of 2016. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of Nebraska at Omaha, and a law degree from Creighton University.

Cari Henry provides executive level support to the College President, Board of Governors, and other executive staff within the President’s Office. After spending a decade performing both administrative duties and substantive legal tasks for law offices and governmental agencies in eastern Nebraska, Cari transitioned to the field of higher education and spent 3½ years as the administrative assistant for both the Business and Career & Technical Sciences divisions at Central Community College in Columbus, Nebraska, before joining MCC in January 2025. She is an alum of Nebraska’s community college system, holding associate degrees in Theatre from Central Community College and in Paralegal Studies from Northeast Community College. She also holds a bachelor’s degree in Legal Studies from Bellevue University.

Fort Omaha Campus, Building 21
Assists students, employees and members of the public respond to complaints or concerns to support retention and foster respect across the college community.

Student Complaints and Appeals


The Executive Leadership Team

The Executive Leadership Team is comprised of the President, his Chief of Staff and the five Vice Presidents. A decision-making body, the Executive Leadership Team meets monthly to address matters of strategy, mission, budget, and governance.

Vice President Offices

Academic Affairs

Fort Omaha Campus, Building 30
Oversees all credit programs of study at the College, leads full-time and adjunct instructors in course and curriculum development, and is responsible for standards in academic programs as well as faculty growth and development.
Assistant to the vice president for Academic Affairs: Jolynn Emery, or 531-622-2409.

Tom McDonnell

McDonnell has more than 30 years of community college experience at two comprehensive, high-performing community colleges. During his career, he has worked in a supportive professional role, a faculty role and administrative roles. Since 2014, McDonnell has served as the vice president for Academic Affairs and is also responsible for accreditation compliance. From 2008 to 2014, he was dean for Humanities and Visual Arts at MCC, and helped establish MCC's public art committee to place student and professional artists' work throughout MCC's campuses and centers. McDonnell earned a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from Iowa State in 1985, a Master of Arts in Communication from Eastern Illinois University in 1995, and an Ed.D. in Higher Education Leadership from Northcentral University in 2012.

Student Affairs

Fort Omaha Campus, Building 1
Oversees all student services operations at all MCC campuses and locations, including advising, counseling, disability support services, student engagement and activities, student conduct, international student services, testing centers, new student orientation, registrar office, and support services.
Assistant to the vice president for Student Affairs: Cindy Sarmiento, or 531-622-2335.

Maria Vazquez

Over the last 20 years, Vazquez has held several positions at MCC, including associate vice president for Student Affairs, dean of the MCC South Omaha Campus, student services director at the South Omaha Campus and coordinator of Nebraska Corrections Education Connection. Vazquez serves on numerous non-profit boards and has been recognized for her tireless work in the Omaha community. Vazquez holds an associate degree from MCC, a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Nebraska at Omaha and a Ph.D. in Educational Administration from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Fort Omaha Campus, Building 18
Provides leadership for campus planning, operations, scheduling events, and utilization.
Coordinator of Centralized Scheduling and Events: Hanne Kruse, or 531-622-2241.

Kay Friesen

Since 1988, Friesen has served the College in a variety of capacities, including the President’s Office, Academic Affairs, institutional planning, research, grants, events, and facilities use. Friesen holds a master's degree in Higher Education Administration with an emphasis in Human Resource Development from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Community and Workforce Education

Fort Omaha Campus, Building 24
Oversees all non-credit workforce, adult education, ESL, continuing education, personal enrichment offerings, including training for individual career advancement, micro-credentials, skill building, corporate training, customized education, youth career exploration Bootcamps, College for Kids, College for Teens, and a host of community-based educational outreach services.
Assistant to the Vice President for Community and Workforce Education: Jacqueline Cordell, or 531-622-2119.

Gary Girard

Girard is the vice president for Community and Workforce Education. He was previously the executive director of Continuing Education, constantly expanding and diversifying programming offered to learners of all ages and interests. This newly created role extends his leadership to include the College’s Workforce Innovation Division where he provides leadership and strategic direction for the design and delivery of workforce training programs, customized skills development training, professional development, and community education programming.

Strategic Operations and Initiatives

Fort Omaha Campus, Building 17
Provides college-wide leadership of systems that support community partnerships, new programs, campus growth and utilization.
Event Services Specialist, Wade Standifer, or 531-622-2875.

Nate Barry

Barry has more than 15 years of higher education experience in both faculty and administrative roles. He joined MCC in 2016 as the Dean of Career and Technical Education. Prior to joining higher education, he worked in construction and land development holding a variety of roles. As the Vice President for Strategic Operations and Initiatives, he leads the strategic planning efforts, including facilities planning, development, and overall facilities operations. Barry holds a Bachelor of Science in Construction Management from the University of Nebraska Kearney, a Master’s in Business Administration from MidAmerica Nazarene University, and a Ph.D. in Engineering from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln.

Information Technology Services

Fort Omaha Campus, Building 16
Provides educational and institutional technology and support to the MCC employee and student community.
Assistant to the chief information officer: Mary Thibodeau, or 531-622-2369.

Bob Goeman

Goeman oversees all College technology operations, security and strategy, including computer infrastructure, application services, cybersecurity, risk and compliance, servers, audio/visual, support services, and computer systems support. He held several different positions while working in information technology at the University of Nebraska for more than 25 years while also working as an adjunct professor. Goeman holds an Ed.D. in Educational Administration and a M.A. in Instructional Technology from the University of Nebraska, as well as a B.S. in Mathematics from the University of Northern Iowa.

College Cabinet

The College Cabinet is comprised of senior leaders representing all major College functions. Focused on mission achievement, collegewide communication, and operational excellence, the College Cabinet members meet monthly to troubleshoot shared challenges, align departmental practices, and report on progress.

Name Title Initiative
Missy Beber Vice President for Human Resources 2-year Executive Team Liaison
Dr. Maria Vazquez Vice President for Student Affairs 1-year Executive Team Liaison
Dr. Jackie Almquist Assistant Chief of Staff President's Office
Cindy Catherwood Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs Academic Affairs
Seth Curtis Associate Vice President of IT Infrastructure and Support Services IT Network Services
Dr. Cynthia Gooch-Grayson Associate Vice President of Access, Opportunity & TRIO Programs Access and Opportunity
Todd Hansen Associate Vice President for Community Workforce Education Community and Workforce Education
Scott Kardell Associate Vice President of Facilities Operations Facilities Management
Dr. Hollie Knake Associate Vice President for Student Affairs Student Affairs
Tracy McTavish Mlady Associate Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness and Research
Brenda Schumacher College Business Officer Business Office
Chris Swanson Associate Vice President for Pathway Support Systems Pathway Support Systems
Amy Recker Associate Vice President for Advancement Advancement
Nannette Rodriguez College Marketing Officer Marketing, Brand and Communication

Advisory Councils

Four standing councils serve as vehicles for input, representation, and problem-solving.

Academic Council

Serving as advisor to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Academic Council provides an organizational structure where faculty can discuss issues related to teaching and learning and make recommendations to MCC Administration. The Council promotes and improves communication and mutual understanding between faculty and the administration, students and staff. The council consists of 12 full-time faculty, 2 adjunct faculty, and 3 administrators serving as voting members. The Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Student Affairs, the Faculty ex-officio to the Board of Governors, and the immediate past chair of Academic Council serve as non-voting members. The Assistant to the Vice President for Academic Affairs also serves as a non-voting member and is recording secretary for the Council. Faculty voting members serve a two-year term and represent a constituency within their academic discipline area as follows: Academic Success—one member, Business—one member, Career and Technical Education—two members, Culinary and Horticulture—one member, Information Technology—one member, Health Careers—one member, Humanities and the Arts—two members, Math and Natural Sciences—one member, and Social Sciences—two members. Adjunct faculty members serve a broader constituency with one adjunct elected from all general education/transfer disciplines and the other from all career program disciplines. Terms are staggered so that no more than half of the Council turns over each year.

Advising Council

Serving as advisor to the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Advising Council was created to review and recommend procedures that support advising and student success. Membership includes academic advisors and success navigators representing the three main campuses and representation from one center. Other members include faculty, counselor, career services, financial aid, records, contact center, and representation from the recruiting team. Members serve a two-year term.

Student Advisory Council

The Student Advisory Council (SAC) was established to enhance communication between students and the College at large. Members are elected in the fall to represent each MCC location. SAC also elects a student ex-officio member of the MCC Board of Governors meetings, who attends all Board meetings and provides monthly updates from the student perspective throughout their one-year term. For more information go to and search "SAC".

The Leadership Council

The Leadership Council connects collegewide administrators, with broad budgetary and supervisory scope, in quarterly meetings to grow operational excellence through special topics dialogue and focused collaboration.